ShenZhen Haohaichang Industrial Co.,Ltd.
ShenZhen Haohaichang Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Холодный заголовок

Холодный заголовок

Детали холодной высадки-это высокоточные компоненты, изготовленные путем деформирования металлической проволоки или стержня при комнатной температуре с использованием машины для высадки. Процесс включает в себя ковку металла для получения определенной формы или функции, в результате чего получается прочная, долговечная деталь с превосходной точностью размеров. Холодная высадка обычно используется для производства крепежных деталей, таких как винты, болты и заклепки, а также других сложных компонентов, таких как шестерни и штифты. Преимущества деталей холодной высадки включают высокую эффективность производства, улучшенное использование материала и сокращение отходов. Кроме того, холодная высадка обеспечивает превосходную чистовую поверхность и однородность размеров, что делает его идеальным для крупносерийного производства деталей малого и среднего размера.

Холодный заголовок разделяет типы

Связанные точность обработки продуктов
Холодный процесс производства частей рубрки

Холодный процесс производства частей рубрки

  • Холодная высадка-это производственный процесс, который включает формирование металлической проволоки через серию штампов для создания прецизионных компонентов, известных как холодные детали. Процесс осуществляется при комнатной температуре, что способствует повышению прочности и долговечности готовых деталей.

  • Процесс начинается с выбора подходящего материала, такого как алюминий, нержавеющая сталь или медь, который затем подается в машину холодной высадки. Машина использует серию штампов для придания проволоки желаемой формы, создавая такие функции, как резьба, фаски и подрезы.

  • После первоначального процесса холодной высадки детали могут быть дополнительно обработаны для достижения желаемой отделки или обработки поверхности. Это может включать такие процессы, как термообработка, нанесение покрытий или покрытие.

  • Холодная высадка-это высокоэффективный и экономичный производственный процесс, который может производить большие объемы деталей с высокой точностью и последовательностью. Он широко используется в таких отраслях, как автомобилестроение, аэрокосмическая промышленность, электроника и строительство для производства широкого спектра компонентов, от крепежных деталей и соединителей до сложных форм для машин и оборудования.

Cold Heading Part Benefits

Utilizing cold heading parts offers several benefits, including increased strength and durability due to the cold forming process, as well as improved dimensional consistency and cost-effectiveness in high-volume production runs. Cold heading parts also offer greater design flexibility with the ability to create complex shapes and features. Additionally, cold heading parts are often lighter in weight compared to machined parts, which is beneficial in applications where weight reduction is a priority. Finally, cold heading provides a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly manufacturing process by reducing scrap and waste compared to traditional machining methods.

Why Choose Cold Heading Part

Cold heading, a widely adopted metal forming process, offers numerous advantages and is highly favored due to its elimination of metal wastage. The choice of cold heading is typically considered based on the following factors:

  • Minimal Material Waste: Cold heading starts from wire, resulting in almost no material waste, reducing costs and resource consumption.

  • High Production Efficiency: Cold heading operates at extremely high speeds, making it suitable for large-scale production, thereby reducing production time and costs.

  • High Precision: Cold heading can achieve outstanding dimension control, ensuring consistent part sizes.

  • Excellent Quality: Cold heading improves the material's grain structure, enhancing the tensile strength and wear resistance of the parts.


  • Versatile Materials and Wide Applicability: Cold heading can be applied to various metals, including steel, aluminum, copper, and alloys.

  • Flexible Shapes: Cold heading can produce a variety of part shapes, including bolts, screws, and other complex profiles.

  • Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable: Cold heading generates minimal waste and typically requires minimal energy, aligning with the principles of sustainable production.

  • Reduced Production Costs: The efficient cold heading process reduces labor costs and material wastage, making parts more cost-competitive.

In summary, the advantages of cold heading, including material savings, high efficiency, quality, versatility, and consistency, make it the preferred choice in manufacturing. It is more cost-effective compared to other manufacturing methods, making it an ideal choice for producing high-quality parts.

HHC-One of the Trusted Cold Heading Companies

When precision and reliability matter in your metal components, HHC stands as your trusted partner in the realm of cold heading. At HHC, we excel in delivering top-notch cold heading services that cater to the unique needs of your project.


Our Capabilities:

1. Unmatched Precision: HHC boasts state-of-the-art cold heading machinery that crafts metal parts with unparalleled accuracy. Our commitment to precision ensures that your components fit seamlessly into your designs.

2. Comprehensive Material Expertise: From steel to aluminum, copper, and more, we possess a deep understanding of diverse materials. Our expertise enables us to guide you in selecting the ideal material for your project, ensuring both strength and durability.

3. Cost-Effective High-Volume Production: We're equipped to handle high-volume production with remarkable efficiency. HHC's streamlined processes ensure competitive pricing without compromising quality.

4. Custom Solutions: No two projects are the same, and neither are our solutions. HHC takes pride in offering tailor-made, custom cold heading services that perfectly align with your unique requirements.

Our Advantages:

1. Commitment to Quality: Quality is our hallmark. We adhere to the strictest quality standards, guaranteeing that the parts we produce are reliable and durable.

2. On-Time Delivery: Time is of the essence in manufacturing. HHC understands the importance of deadlines and ensures that your cold heading components are delivered on schedule.

3. Sustainable Practices: HHC places a strong emphasis on sustainable production. We employ eco-friendly practices to minimize our environmental footprint.

When you choose HHC for your cold heading needs, you're choosing a partner dedicated to delivering excellence, precision, and value. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us one of the most trusted names in the industry. Partner with HHC and experience the difference that precision and reliability can bring to your projects.

Cold Heading Part Applications

Cold heading parts are integral components used across a diverse array of industries, offering durability, precision, and cost-efficiency.

In the automotive sector, cold heading is employed to craft an extensive range of fasteners, such as bolts and screws, ensuring the structural integrity of vehicles. These parts also serve in the production of rivets, axles, and shafts, contributing to the automotive industry's strength and performance.

The electronics and electrical industry relies on cold heading for the production of connectors, contacts, and terminal pins. The precise manufacturing process enhances electrical conductivity, making them vital for electronic devices and appliances.


In construction, cold heading parts are the cornerstone of anchors and nails, providing the stability and security needed for various structures. The aerospace industry benefits from cold heading by using these components for aircraft fasteners, bolts, and pins, where high-strength materials are crucial for safety and reliability.

From orthopedic implants and surgical instruments in the medical field to bike components, golf club heads, zipper pulls, and appliance fasteners, cold heading parts offer tailor-made solutions across numerous industries. Their adaptability and reliability make them indispensable in enhancing the quality and performance of a wide range of products.

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